All kneel. If there is to be a procssion, it begins at Holy Mary...
O God the Son, Redeemer of the / world: have mer/cy upon us.
O God the Holy / Ghost: have mer/cy upon us.
Holy Trinity, one / God: have mer/cy upon us.
Holy Mother of / God: pray for us. Holy Virgin of / virgins: pray for us.
Holy / Michael: pray for us. Holy / Gabriel: pray for us. Holy / Raphael: pray for us. All ye holy Angels and Arch/angels: pray for us. All ye holy orders of blesséd / Spirits: pray for us.
Holy John the / Baptist: pray for us. Holy / Joseph: pray for us.
All ye holy Patriarchs and / Prophets: pray for us.
Holy / Peter: pray for us. Holy / Paul: pray for us. Holy / Andrew: pray for us. Holy / James: pray for us. Holy / John: pray for us. Holy / Thomas: pray for us. Holy / James: pray for us. Holy / Philip: pray for us. Holy Bar/tholomew: pray for us. Holy / Matthew: pray for us. Holy / Simon: pray for us. Holy / Jude: pray for us. Holy Mat/thias: pray for us. Holy / Barnabas: pray for us. Holy / Luke: pray for us. Holy / Mark: pray for us. All ye holy Apostles and Ev/angelists: pray for us. All ye holy Disciples of the / Lord: pray for us.
All ye holy / Innocents: pray for us.
Holy / Stephen: pray for us. Holy / Laurence: pray for us. Holy / Vincent: pray for us. Holy Fabian and Se/bastian: pray for us. Holy John and / Paul: pray for us. Holy Cosmas and / Damian: pray for us. Holy Gervase and / Protase: pray for us. All ye holy / Martyrs: pray for us.
Holy Sil/vester: pray for us. Holy / Gregory: pray for us. Holy / Ambrose: pray for us. Holy Aug/ustine: pray for us. Holy Je/rome: pray for us. Holy / Martin: pray for us. Holy / Nicholas: pray for us. All ye holy Bishops and Con/fessors: pray for us. All ye holy / Doctors: pray for us.
Holy / Anthony: pray for us. Holy / Benedict: pray for us. All ye holy Priests and / Levites: pray for us. All ye holy Monks and / Hermits: pray for us.
[ Holy / Herman: pray for us. Holy / Innocent: pray for us. Holy / Tikhon: pray for us. Holy Juven/aly: pray for us. Holy Peter the / Aluet: pray for us. Holy A/lexis: pray for us. Holy Raphael of / Brooklyn: pray for us. All ye holy Enlighteners of North A/merica: pray for us. ]
Holy Mary / Magdalen: pray for us. Holy / Agatha: pray for us. Holy / Lucy: pray for us. Holy / Agnes: pray for us. Holy Ce/cilia: pray for us. Holy / Catherine: pray for us. Holy Ana/stasia: pray for us. All ye holy Virgins and / Widows: pray for us.
At the Easter Vigil, the Blessing of the Water is done here, afterward continuing:
- / From all sin: deliver us, O Lord. - / From thy wrath: deliver us, O Lord. From sudden and / unprepared death: deliver us, O Lord. From the crafts / of the devil: deliver us, O Lord. From anger, hatred, and all un/charitableness: deliver us, O Lord. From light/ning and tempest: deliver us, O Lord. From the / scourge of earthquake: deliver us, O Lord. From pestilence, / war, and famine: deliver us, O Lord. From / everlasting death: deliver us, O Lord.
By the mystery of thy holy / Incarnation: deliver us, O Lord. By / thine Advent: deliver us, O Lord. By / thy Nativity: deliver us, O Lord. By thy Baptism and / holy Fasting: deliver us, O Lord. By thy / Cross and Passion: deliver us, O Lord. By thy holy / Resurrection: deliver us, O Lord. By thy wonder/ful Ascension: deliver us, O Lord. By the coming of the Holy / Ghost the Paraclete: deliver us, O Lord. In the / Day of judgement: deliver us, O Lord.
That thou would/est pardon us: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest bring us to true / repentance: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest govern and preserve / thy holy Church: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest preserve our Apostolic lord and all orders of the Church in holy / religion: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest humble the enemies / of holy Church: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest give unto Christian kings and rulers peace and / true concord: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest grant unto all Christian people peace / and unity: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest restore to the unity of the Church all such as do err, and to bring all unbelievers to the light / of the gospel: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest strengthen and preserve us in thy ho/ly service: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest lift up our minds to heaven/ly desires: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest reward all our benefactors with everlast/ing blessings: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest give and preserve the fruits / of the earth: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest grant to all the faithful departed rest / eternal: we beseech thee, hear us. That thou wouldest gracious/ly hear us: we beseech thee, hear us.
Son / of God: we beseech thee, hear us.
On the Vigils of Easter and Pentecost, the Litany ends here and the Mass begins with the Kyrie.
At the conferring of Major Holy Orders, the Litany ends here.
Then is sung in unison by all:
℣. Save thy servants, / O God,
℟. Who put their trust / in thee.
℣. Be unto us, O Lord, a strong tow/er:
℟. From the face of the e/ne-my.
℣. Let the enemy have no advantage o/ver us:
℟. Nor the son of wickedness approach to hurt / us.
℣. O Lord, deal not with us after / our sins:
℟. Neither reward us after our ini/qui-ties.
℣. Let us pray for N. our bi/shop.
℟. The Lord preserve him and keep his life; and make him blessed upon earth; and deliver him not unto the will of his e/ne-mies.
℣. Let us pray for our benefac/tors.
℟. Vouchsafe, O Lord, to reward with eternal life all them that do good towards us for thy Name’s sake. A/men.
℣. Let us pray for the faithful depart/ed.
℟. Rest eternal grant unto them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine up/on them.
℣. May they rest / in peace.
℟. A/men.
℣. For our absent breth/ren:
℟. My God, save thy servants who put their trust / in thee.
℣. O Lord, send them help from thy ho/ly place:
℟. And strengthen them out of Zi/on.
A cantor below the rank of Deacon omits The Lord be with you, continuing with the Collects.
℣. O Lord, hear / my prayer. ℟. And let my cry come un/to thee.
℣. The Lord be with / you. ℟. And with thy spi/rit.
O God, whose property is always to have mercy and to forgive: receive our humble petitions, that we and all thy servants bound by the chains of sin, may, by thy loving-kindness graciously be absolved.
We beseech thee, O Lord: mercifully to hear the prayers of thy humble servants and to forgive the sins of them that confess the same unto thee, that they may obtain of thy bounty mercy and peace.
Graciously show forth upon us, O Lord, thy unspeakable mercy: that thou wouldest both loose us from all our sins, and deliver us from the punishments we deserve for the same.
O God, who art wroth with them that sin against thee and sparest them that are penitent: mercifully look upon the prayers of thy people who call upon thee, and turn away the scourges of thy wrath, which for our sins we justly deserve.
Almighty and everlasting God, have mercy upon thy servant N. our chief bishop: and according to thy great goodness, direct him into the way of everlasting salvation, that by thy grace he may desire that which is well-pleasing unto thee, and with all his strength perform the same.
O God, who from all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed: give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give, that our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments, and also that we, being defended from the fear of our enemies, may pass our time in rest and quietness.
Kindle, O Lord, our innermost reins and hearts with the fire of thy Holy Ghost: that we may serve thee with a chaste body, and please thee with a clean heart.
O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful: grant unto the souls of all thy servants departed the remission of all their sins, that through our devout supplications, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired.
Direct, we beseech thee, O Lord: our actions by thy holy inspirations, and further them by thy gracious help, that all our prayer and work may always begin in thee and happily end in thee.
Almighty and everlasting God, who hath dominion both of the living and of the dead, and hast mercy upon all whom thou knowest are thine in faith and works: we humbly beseech thee, that all those for whom we are minded to pour forth our prayers, whether in this present world they still be in the flesh, or being parted from the body have passed into that which is to come, may at the intercession of all the Saints obtain of thy bountiful goodness the remission of all their sins; through Jesus Christ thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end.
A cantor below the rank of Deacon omits The Lord be with you, continuing with May the Almighty...